Mark 12:30

What does it mean to believe?

To believe is to trust, with absolute surrender to God’s way. You might say trusting God is trusting His Word.

Total surrender is a choice on our part that requires absolute surrender, yielding our own will; choosing to obey His command to love Him totally and completely with all our being. Jesus gives us this command: Mark 12:30, And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength (NLT). 

In other words, every inch, every fiber, every ounce within us must love the Lord. This includes our minds; our thoughts, our will, our emotions, and our hearts must line up with the Spirit and the Word of God.

This will take nothing less than the infilling of the Holy Spirit, His Word, and daily prayer to meet daily the needs for us and others.

Let us Pray: Heavenly Father God, Today I will trust you. I give you my heart, mind, thoughts, soul and body unto you. Yes, I surrender to your ways. Right living will be part of me and my family as I live for you today, tomorrow, and the future. My future is bright when you are in it. Amen.